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27 Jan 2016

Every year people around the world make a New Years resolution that can be beneficial for the upcoming year. On average 33% of people plan to make the year a healthy one by getting fitter, eating better and/or losing weight.

However, around 63% of people admitted to failing to commit to a resolution with the majority breaking it within one month. So why do people fail? Normally it is down to expectations being set too high that aren’t realistic with day-to-day life. Nevertheless, there are a few simple resolutions that can work with every day life making a huge difference to personal and physical health. Try some of our simple resolutions to help you feel healthier inside and out this year;

Sleep More

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being by allowing the body to rest and rejuvenate after a day of activity. An acceptable level of sleep can help to maintain mental and physical health as well as supporting growth and development in children and teens. Supplements such as Magnesium, can contribute to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue as it can help to aid sleep by calming nerves and relaxing the muscles. An on-going lack of sleep can lead to a stressed demeanour, weakened immune system and affect the body in the way we react, think, eat, work and learn. Taking a nap when feeling tired really can do you the world of good.

Stress Less

Stress is individual as it can mean different things to different people. Some people may find stress at work, at home, when driving, through personal accomplishments etc. Whereas, occasionally stress can be a positive in order to motivate and encourage, it is on the most part, a negative that can damage health long-term if experienced over a prolonged period of time. Reducing stress levels not only raises positivity but can also benefit health too. Taking time out of each day for enjoyable activities, spending time with family and friends or having ten minutes for yourself, can help to set reasonable expectations that can help to relieve day-to-day stress. Supplements such as 5 HTP, can also help to improve mood as it can increase serotonin levels in the body, which can lead to a reduction in stress and anxiety.

Stay Hydrated

The body is made up of around 60% water, which helps to drive regular bodily functions such as; digestion, circulation, creation of saliva, maintaining kidney function and skin health. Health experts recommend a minimum of one litre of water per day in order to keep the body hydrated and healthy. It doesn’t require a dramatic change in your daily water intake but trying to drink a little more than normal can make a huge difference. Have a glass with your morning coffee or tea, a bottle sat on your desk at work or a glass with an afternoon meal can make a positive impact on the body and compensate for water loss that occurs day-to-day.

Take Time for Yourself

Sometimes life can get stressful but it is always important to prioritise yourself from time to time, even if its five minutes in the morning or right before bed, it provides some time during the day to focus on personal sanity and health. Taking a break to focus on yourself has both psychological and physical benefits that can help you to feel refreshed and happier. It helps to maintain a good sense of self, which can feel life changing. Taking Detox capsules can help the body to feel lighter as they are designed to aid in expelling waste faster and also cleansing the intestines of unwanted toxins, helping to look after yourself and your body.

Commit to Exercise

Exercise not only keeps the body healthy but it also releases chemicals called endorphins, which can reduce your perception of pain, giving a positive and energizing outlook on life. A marathon doesn’t have to be completed each week to feel the benefits of exercise but it is recommended to do around 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity five times a week. Going for a walk, doing household chores, riding a bicycle, yoga, swimming etc. are all easy and non-expensive ways to get the blood pumping around the body and keep healthy. It makes you feel good too. Green Tea extract is a substance that is known to be rich in antioxidants, which can help the body to burn excess fat by increasing the metabolic rate and increasing the calories the body burns. It can help to encourage the body to carry on working at its best around an exercise regime.

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