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16 Jun 2015

A poor digestive system can lead to issues like bloating, constipation, heartburn and even abdominal pain. But the good news is that although these ailments are very common, they can also be easily prevented with some simple lifestyle changes. Here’s how:

Pep up the gut with probiotics

Probiotics are a type of bacteria that live in the gut and help to keep it healthy. They aid digestion by improving nutrient absorption, boost the immune system and can even alleviate symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) like bloating and cramps. Yoghurt is a familiar source of probiotics, but studies have shown that probiotic supplements can be swiftly delivered into the system and may be more effective for improving digestive health.

Feast on fibre

Eating fibre-rich foods like oat bran, wheat, beans and berries can help other foods to move through the digestive system more easily, reducing bloating and other digestive problems. Soluble fibre is digested by the body and is known to reduce cholesterol and is found in oats and root vegetables . Insoluble fibre, found in wholemeal bread and seeds, is not digested by the body but it’s very useful for maintaining a healthy weight because it helps the body to feel fuller for longer, preventing snacking and overeating. Taking natural plant extract supplements like Konjac Fibre, which contain lots of fibre, keeps the digestive system moving along unhindered.

Eat a healthy diet

Choose lean meats, leafy green vegetables and wholemeal grains over high fat foods that can slow down the digestive process. Drink plenty of water to dissolve fats and soluble fibre, which help to prevent constipation, and avoid drinking too much caffeine and alcohol that can cause heartburn and stomach ulcers.

Take L-Glutamine

This amino acid protects the lining of the digestive tract and supports the stomach and intestine. It’s found naturally in the body but is available in supplement form too, which is especially useful for cancer patients who have unfriendly bacteria in their system and require extra digestive support following treatment.

Choose healing herbs

The soothing qualities of Peppermint help the gut by relaxing the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, easing pain and discomfort. Ginger is also believed to relieve nausea, stomach ache and indigestion too.

These simple lifestyle changes can be all the body needs to maintain a healthy digestive system, producing clearer skin, greater energy levels and a boost to general wellbeing.

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